
Confirmed Sponsors

The organisers are grateful for the support of the following sponsors.

VPixx logo with strapline: Vision Science Solutions

For over two decades, VPixx Technologies has been a trusted provider of hardware and software solutions for vision scientists. Their VIEWPixx series research-grade displays, DATAPixx video I/O hubs and TRACKPixx eye trackers are meticulously engineered to meet the needs of the research community. Their flagship product, the PROPixx 1440 Hz projector, is suitable for research in behavioural and MRI/MEG/OPM environments; it is the world’s only research-ready solution for high-speed applications in neuroimaging, including rapid invisible frequency tagging (RIFT). VPixx systems and accessories are modular and designed to work seamlessly together to provide microsecond-precise, fully deterministic timing and automated video synchronization. Their hardware is supported by the LabMaestro software suite and APIs for MATLAB and Python. Contact a VPixx staff scientist today to find out more about how VPixx Vision Science Solutions can advance your research!

Prospective Sponsors

Sponsorship of this self-financing conference is essential for keeping registration costs low, ensuring attendance by a diverse group of researchers from as many institutions as possible. Our sponsorship package uses a tiered system of sponsorship, ranging from Bronze through to Platinum. To find out more about sponsorship opportunities, please check the sponsorship brochure below.

The committee is also happy to consider tailored sponsorship packages, depending on your organisation’s needs.

To discuss options, please contact ecvp2024@abdn.ac.uk.