Oral Presentations (Talks & Symposia)
Session chairs and presenters are required to arrive at the session 20 minutes in advance. Talk presentations are scheduled for 15 minutes: 12 minutes of presentation followed by 3 minutes of Q&A. Symposia presentations may vary depending on the number of speakers. Chairs will be asked to strictly adhere to the allotted time.
The room will be fully equipped with laptop, connecting cables (HDMI), projector and microphone. Presenters are strongly encouraged to bring their presentations on a USB drive and to upload the presentations prior to the start of the session.
Allowed presentation formats: PowerPoint, Keynote, or PDF (1920×1080 format).
Learning Pathways referencing tool
We are using the free Learning Pathways tool to help speakers share reference lists. Audience members, especially PhD students, often find it difficult and time-consuming to note down talk references and follow them up later.
We recommend using Learning Pathways to quickly and easily enter the references from your talk (no need to fill in all the details – just search for the paper title to find full details). You can then add a short code at the beginning of your talk and everyone can see your reference list – including abstracts! Other resources such as supplementary material, web pages or Youtube videos can also be added. To create a learning pathway with your references, you can access the ECVP page on Learning Pathways here: https://learning-pathways.org/con/ecvp/2024.
Poster Presentations
Poster presenters are required to put up their posters before 9 am (i.e., before the poster session starts in the morning) and to remove them by the end of the poster presentation day. Velcro material to attach your poster to the board will be provided. Posters left on display after the end of the day will be collected by the conference organisers and discarded.
The poster presentation slot will be either in the morning (9am-10:30am) or the afternoon session (3pm-4:30pm). Please note that poster sessions are not arranged by theme, but posters have been allocated randomly across sessions. Prior to the conference, each poster will be allocated a number corresponding to the number indicated on the poster panels where you will attach your poster. You can find your allocated poster number here. All posters will remain on the boards for the whole day. Presenters are requested to stay next to their poster during their assigned session.
All posters must be in A0 size (841mm x 1189mm) in portrait format. The dimensions of the poster board are 954mm x 2360mm.

Would you like to print your poster in Aberdeen?
1) File Format: Ensure your poster is in PDF format and adheres to ECVP’s guidelines (https://ecvp2024.abdn.ac.uk/presentation-guidelines/). Your poster will be printed in A0 portrait format. Name your poster file as follows: ECVPposter_NameSurname.pdf.
2) Submission: Email your PDF to uoaprint@abdn.ac.uk, including your file name in the subject line. Clarify if you would like your poster printed on paper or canvas (prices below). Submit your poster at least 5 working days before you plan to collect it.
3) Pick-up Details: Collect your posters at the Sir Duncan Rice Library on the University of Aberdeen campus (go at the registration desk, and then 1st floor). You can pay for the poster on site (£12 on paper and £45.60 on canvas). For opening times, visit this link.
Please note that the P&J conference venue is located in a different part of the city from the University Library.