
A symposium should provide a diverse overview of a research area that is of interest to the ECVP audience. Organisers should aim to include speakers from different career stages, research groups, and geographic locations who represent a broad range of views and ideas under the umbrella theme of the symposium. The individual talks should relate to each other and provoke insightful discussion. Symposia timetable will be announced near the conference.

1) Increasing diversity in person perception research
Organisers: Anita Twele & Sophia Thierry
Brock University (Canada)

2) Statistical learning in visual perception: How does the visual system process probabilistic information in the environment?
Organisers: Philippe Blondé & Árni Kristjánsson
University of Iceland (Iceland)

3) Space matters: Cortical traveling waves and their role in perception and attention
Organisers: Kirsten Petras & Joao V. Cardoso
Université Paris Cité (France)

4) Congenital achromatopsia as a model testing vision development and plasticity
Organisers: Netta Levin & Antony Morland
Hebrew University (Israel) & University of York (UK)

5) Gaze patterns in natural behaviour
Organisers: Dimitris Voudouris & Christiane Wiebel
Justus-Liebig University Giessen & Honda Research Institute Europe (Germany)

6) Reproducing Reality: What is needed to build displays that pass the “Visual Turing Test”?
Organisers: Maliha Ashraf & Simon Watt
University of Cambridge & Bangor University (UK)

7) Spanning the space of science: From cones to colour applications. A symposium in honour of Sophie Wuerger
Organisers: Jasna Martinovic & Qasim Zaidi
University of Edinburgh (UK) & SUNY College of Optometry (USA)

8) Peripheral vision: Behavioural, neural, and functional perspectives
Organiser: Li Zhaoping
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (Germany)

9) Perception, cognition, and action in neuropsychological patients: bridging science and practice
Organisers: Jutta Billino & Jennifer Randerath
Justus-Liebig University Giessen (Germany) & University of Vienna (Austria)

10) From eye movements to action: Celebrating Eli Brenner’s contributions to the field of perception and action
Organisers: David Mann & Frans Cornelissen
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam & University of Groningen (Netherlands)

Submission guidelines

Early career researchers are particularly encouraged to take the opportunity to organise a symposium. The organising committee seeks diversity in ECVP contributions with regard to gender, age, nationality, ethnicity and topics.

  • The submission should include (1) a title, (2) a general symposium abstract (word limit: 400), (3) the names of the main organiser(s) and speakers with related affiliations, and (4) the titles of all talks and co-authors. Please indicate the preferred order of talks for the symposium. The general symposium abstract should describe the theme, the motivation, and the relevance of the topic for the ECVP community.
  • A symposium may have a maximum of two organisers (who may also be speakers in the symposium). The organiser of the symposium is in charge of the submission and communicating with the identified speakers on the arrangements if selected.
  • There should be a minimum of four speakers and maximum of five speakers, with some time allocated for the audience to ask questions. Talk time and Q&A time can be scheduled within the 1.5-hour session according to the symposia organisers’ discretion (e.g., after individual talks or concentrated at the end of the session).
  • Individual abstracts of all talks in a symposium will need to be submitted during the abstract submission period (indicating that this is submitted as an accepted symposium talk). Once the symposium is accepted, any change to schedules or speakers will need to be approved by the organising committee.
  • Please submit the symposium proposal to
  • Symposia submissions will open on the 10th of December 2023 and close on the 19th of January 2024.
    Notification of accepted symposia will be communicated on the 2nd of February.